(Cochenour-Kennedy 2021)
Dip EM 22" 3.75" SEV
2 branches, 10 buds

Rosy mauve with broken cream streaks and flecks and a purple band above a green throat.

Pod and pollen sometimes difficult, but fertile.

(Snow Crab x Star Child)

One of the last seedlings that Pat observed and selected, she reserved the name Graffiti for it. What makes it unique among the broken pattern daylilies is its small size and the band on its petals. Pat asked me to grow it in the best spot in my garden, and so it lived in my raised seedling bed until it could be transferred into the garden. Increase has been slow since only one of the three fans I moved from Pat's garden had the striped blooms. Due to limited inventory, Graffiti will be sold on the Lily Auction.

$150 SF - Held for Increase

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